Tag Archives: A Crafters Journey

A CRAFTERS JOURNEY ~ The August Update!!!

I need to have my hands seriously slapped and make a big apology to Diane, as she sent me this article well over a month ago and it’s taken till now for me to get my act together, I even had to ask her for a couple of updates which have been included! Lx

3. A Place to Set logo

This rather long-winded journey I’ve taken myself on towards having a little crafty business is taking a slightly more determined step right now. Not only have I agreed to help out a friend on her stall at a local craft fair but I’ve also taken steps towards the operational business side too.

Firstly, the craft fair. A few months ago I started going to a little crafty get together called ‘Crafty Saturday’. During my first visit Polly mentioned that she’d be doing a stand at a Church group run craft fair in September. I thought this was a perfect opportunity for me to take the plunge, so I said that I’d share her stand. This will serve as a ‘breaking in gently’ of the selling face to face market. I intend on taking a variety of items with me to test the water.  One of the main items will be the portable coaster sets but I’ll also have a place mat and coaster set and a tote bag or two.  I’m going to do some bunting to just decorate the stand and some either felt or paper flowers in a vase.  I’m still not comfortable with a name yet but that’s irrelevant really before I’ve started getting my items sold. I’d like to perhaps have an ipad playing with a slide show of items I’ve made in the past, to whet people’s appetites.  Chris went to the bird fair this year and he said that a lot of the stands had videos running either of the craft being performed or just displaying various projects previously made. It might grab the attention of people and get them to linger a tiny while longer by the stand and then I can perhaps get them involved in conversation, which will also make it all more fun for me. In regards to pricing, I’m thinking about £35 for the 6 placemats and coasters, as there’s machine quilting on those, hand sewing and patchwork. The portable coasters will be sold for £5; tote bag will be priced at circa £10 possibly.  I also have an owl cushion I could sell for £25.

Pic 1 Aug 2013 ~ A Place to Set Placemats

This photo is rather busy but perhaps it works to make you focus harder on what you can actually see?

Learning about the business aspect has finally seen me join the Enterprise Nation Club. Please do visit their website for more information about what Emma Jones (MBE) co-founded –  As well as that, I’ve also signed up for one of their Start-Up Saturday events in September.  They hold them in a wide variety of locations; most in British Library buildings from what I can tell. I’ll provide a link to a video which shows you in a far more professional manner than I could achieve – . That’ll be nerve-wracking as well, as I have no idea how much experience the other marketeers will have, compared to me.

Pic 2 Aug 2013 A Place to Set Owl

Before I get there though, I’ve also signed up for the FREE 12 week email course about starting up a small business. I will have read a lot of the information before but I feel this way is a more structured, determined way of learning what is necessary.  There are many good reviews of course on the site. I’m suspecting that it will focus more on the website selling opportunities, rather than the face to face selling, as EN is not purely for craft related businesses; it’s for the whole range. Internet selling is fine by me, as hopefully most of you know that I have dabbled on Folksy for a while now and it can definitely reach a wider market.

First Update – I’ve since received three of the emails and I’ve actually actioned the ideas and made a very basic (needs much more specific financial information) business plan!

Update October 2013 ~

Start-up Saturday.

Despite getting there a tiny bit late (how I mixed up the start times is beyond me but then again, so typical of me!) I really got into the whole feeling of the day very quickly. That feeling was one of ‘yes, I can do this business malarkey’.  Everyone explained what their varied business ideas were and Emma Jones responded very quickly and professionally to them all and continued to refer to them throughout the day. It’s almost impossible for me to briefly tell you what went on but the main thing I took away from that day, was that crafting businesses are quickly becoming a boom business. I got the impression that kits are the way forward, as many people love the idea of crafting but don’t have the time to go and resource the patterns, materials and ideas and all of that which is required to craft. Providing everything in a box and posting it off, is also a relatively cheap way of providing people with goods. I’m considering this but have yet to put it into action. I might have to be quick to catch the boat though. I agree wholeheartedly with what she said, as I’ve bought kits myself  and love the ease with which they make the creating. They’re maybe not as personally satisfying but for the average person, it could really spur them on to try things more from scratch or they just keep buying kits; mine with any luck! 🙂

We were given ‘The Start up Kit’ book which will be some of my holiday reading next week. That as well as the new magazine I’ve signed up for which is ‘Patchwork & Quilting’ which has a little kit in it for a Christmas bauble make and I’ve also got a Corinne Lapierre kit for some scrummy little lavender houses.  I rest my case about the kits! 🙂

Update on My first craft fair

At long bloomin’ last! I’ve done my first craft fair at a local Church event. The weather was glorious, so that pulled in the punters. I was originally comforted by Polly, as she was doing the stand and asked if I’d care to join her. I swear that was just a ploy to get me to do the stand; if that’s right, I’ll be eternally grateful.  I ended up being on my own on the stand, which was a good job really as my stuff took up a lot of room. I didn’t do a great job on setting it up but hey, we all have to start somewhere. Here’s a link to the blog post I did about it, please do pop by and see how I got on: HERE

(TCN Note:  Ignore Diane, for a first timer her stall looked FAB, Lx)

I’ve since had other commissions, I’ve set up a Facebook page (Click HEREand I’ve started an Etsy shop (Click HERE), with a fancy shop banner and logo (as seen at the top of this post), which I decided to pay for instead of messing about trying to spend hours to do and make myself. I also finally decided on the business name ‘A Place to Set’.

Another thing I’ve learnt recently is that there are just some things which have to be outsourced.  I won’t always be able to pay to do that but this time I did; seize the moment! Beg and borrow as much as you can to get your business where you want it to go.

I’ve barely started and some days I think this is too much but other days (such as straight after Start Up Saturday) I feel really empowered and motivated.

Progress not perfection is my target.

See you soon.

Diane x

A Place to set logo

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Posted by on October 16, 2013 in A Crafters Journey


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A Crafters Journey ~ An Update from Diane

It’s been a while since we had an update from Diane on how she is doing with her crafting journey, so I got in touch and asked if she could write something for us, to let us know how things are going and here it is…


Hello there, long time no see. That’s entirely my fault though, so don’t feel bad 🙂 I suffer from one of life’s ailments; poor time management. That’s all being worked on though; keep reading and you’ll find out what I mean.

Update on where I’m at on this crafter’s journey I really, really want to be on.

That’s right, you read correctly in that last sentence, I’m still loving crafting! That’s what is driving me on. It’s what gives me joy and what keeps me semi-sane and fills as many hours of the day as I can possibly get away with, without the house being disgusting, the dogs running a muck and my daughter not having a life. It keeps my brain active too as I am constantly learning new skills and concepts and remembering old ones, it’s very stimulating.

Someone asked me the other day what TV programmes do I watch, as I’d been saying that I hadn’t watched any of the programmes which were being talked about. My response was that I craft, which surprised her. I do watch some TV, of course I do but it’s invariably Create and Craft, house linked programmes or dramas such as ‘Call the Midwife’. This is why I think doing some kind of business within the field makes so much sense to me.

My Folksy Shop Update (By DW )

by DW

I made a sale! Yes indeedy on my Folksy page. I sold a set of the Christmas coasters I made.  I was chuffed to bits and the customer was happy, so that was a buzz. Unfortunately I didn’t keep the momentum up by making more although I did try. I was unable to get more of the felt I had used to make them, quickly enough; I found out that there was only one stockist of that felt and they had none left. Hopefully lesson learnt and I must get more of that before the season falls upon us again.

Coasters By DW


Learning ~ Business advice, webinars & workshops

I may not have been keeping that Folksy page stocked but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy behind the scenes so to speak. I’m constantly reading advice for small crafty businesses. A couple in particular are The Enterprise Nation, HandmadeHorizons and Grace Marshall’s ‘Productivity Profits’. Some of you might be interested to know that there’s a FREE webinar being offered by  Handmade Horizons at the minute:

“Are you a mum who makes or dad who designs?”

“Do you work part-time or fit your business around family life?”

Then you will know how crucial it is to be as effective and efficient as possible when running and marketing your creative enterprise!

We’re delighted to be able to invite you to join us for a free webinar we’re giving for The Design Trust Business Club later this month. During this fun, one hour session we will be will sharing secrets of success for parents running a creative business, based on our own experiences and those of the mums we have worked with over the past two years.

Join us for this exclusive free session and learn:

  • the questions you need to ask yourself, if you want a business you love
  • how to work from home without losing your mind
  • the best ways to promote your business when you have limited time (and money)
  • some of the most common pitfalls to avoid

The webinar will be taking place at 1pm on May 21st and will be hosted by Patricia van den Akker, Director of The Design Trust. Spaces for these webinars are usually reserved for the Design Trust Business Club members only (by paid monthly or annual subscription) so we’re delighted to be able to invite you to join us as friends of Handmade Horizons! 

Spaces are limited, so be sure to sign up through the following link asap:


Think productive workshops

Grace Marshall a ninja business support person who has a blog, website and the full social network thing covered and does loads of workshops. She has a workshop this Thursday in Stafford – below is part of the email I received about it.

“Fancy a day in Stafford getting your head clear, all your ‘stuff’ under control and some ninja tips and tools under your belt?

“For the first time in ages I actually feel like I have some control over my time.”

That’s what Louise Clive, a facilities manager said after coming on my 1-day “How to Get Things Done” workshop.

If you’re familiar with my blog and newsletters, you’ll know I always say you can’t control time. What gives Louise this feeling actually, is that she is more in control of her work, and more able to work with the time that she has, rather than be constantly reacting and fighting with it.

What about you? Could you do with that breath of fresh air, that light at the end of the tunnel, that feeling of control – and more importantly, the tools to give yourself that more often?

If so, book your place now and use my personal discount code – Staff30M – to get a whopping 30% off your ticket.

Join us here – hope you can make it!

That’ll probably be no good to most of you as Linda will have to be mega quick to get this posted in time for you to read it and organise yourself but keep a look out at those sites and there’s all-sorts of help and motivation out there. GO GET SOME! You’re worth it! 🙂 A lot of it can be accessed free too; such as blogs, so don’t go assuming you have to pay a fortune to get advice.  Comment on this post if you’d like to hear about more of such business support events/sites and we’ll see how we could manage that.

This week I started using the day planner Grace provides, which is free and I’m trialling Google calendar. It’s still early days but at least I’m focusing on my issue and trying to remedy it, which is all good for me and any progress I want to make.


Changing My Business Name

I’m also giving serious thought to changing the name of my business as ‘By DW’ doesn’t grab me at all, so how do I expect anyone else to find it appealing? I’m currently thinking of ‘QuerkiWuerki’ (no other matches appeared on Facebook for that name) or ‘Quirky house’ or another one is Bideetou’ (by D to you). The goods I want to sell are all items for the house and of course are different to shop bought items as they are handcrafted. We could do a kind of customer survey and you can tell me which one you prefer, by commenting below?

That’s enough for you for now but please do nip by my blog too at to see some of the things I’m enjoying making right now.

Diane x


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A Crafters Journey ~ A temporary hiatus!

First things first. I need to let you know that this article won’t be very long. What I would love to say is that it’s because I’ve opened an Etsy store selling table settings under my new business name and I’m ‘flat-chat’ busy with so many orders. I could tell you that but unfortunately it would be a great big fat lie.

Instead I have to tell you that my journey has taken me back in time almost. In the past month I have started a new job and I now have to wake at 4.45a.m and travel 25 minutes to get to the job where I work 6 until 2 and travel home. I do that four days a week. I appreciate that many of you probably work more than that and yet still somehow miraculously manage to run a crafting business but it’s all new to me and I’m finding it difficult adjusting in many different aspects. Thankfully the 30 hours a week is only until about July 9th, as I’m training at the moment. My contracted hours will only be 14 hours on Mondays and Tuesdays within two minutes’ walk from my house, so it will get easier from July 9th.

I’m so tired in the afternoons that I barely manage to get housework done after I have a little snooze. I’ve hardly done any crafting at all, let alone trying to do work towards starting a business. On the positive side, I can still read articles from magazines I read (please see the magazine review section of this blog

I’m having to view this period as a hiatus which I don’t really want but has to be tolerated for the bigger picture. I can’t, unfortunately, keep on not working as I can’t rely on a crafting business to supply any money at all just yet, so I must have a ‘proper job’.

But only temporary!

I am NOT giving up. I’m just having to let practicalities take charge for a while until I get back onto the track I want. I’m finding it difficult not crafting, as I just enjoy it so much but as long as I view it as only a break then I can cope better.

My Gran always used to say ‘all good things come to those who wait’. I’m waiting a long time, so it better be ‘good’! 🙂

Diane x


Posted by on June 22, 2012 in A Crafters Journey


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