Tag Archives: Life get’s in the way

A Crafters Journey ~ A temporary hiatus!

First things first. I need to let you know that this article won’t be very long. What I would love to say is that it’s because I’ve opened an Etsy store selling table settings under my new business name and I’m ‘flat-chat’ busy with so many orders. I could tell you that but unfortunately it would be a great big fat lie.

Instead I have to tell you that my journey has taken me back in time almost. In the past month I have started a new job and I now have to wake at 4.45a.m and travel 25 minutes to get to the job where I work 6 until 2 and travel home. I do that four days a week. I appreciate that many of you probably work more than that and yet still somehow miraculously manage to run a crafting business but it’s all new to me and I’m finding it difficult adjusting in many different aspects. Thankfully the 30 hours a week is only until about July 9th, as I’m training at the moment. My contracted hours will only be 14 hours on Mondays and Tuesdays within two minutes’ walk from my house, so it will get easier from July 9th.

I’m so tired in the afternoons that I barely manage to get housework done after I have a little snooze. I’ve hardly done any crafting at all, let alone trying to do work towards starting a business. On the positive side, I can still read articles from magazines I read (please see the magazine review section of this blog

I’m having to view this period as a hiatus which I don’t really want but has to be tolerated for the bigger picture. I can’t, unfortunately, keep on not working as I can’t rely on a crafting business to supply any money at all just yet, so I must have a ‘proper job’.

But only temporary!

I am NOT giving up. I’m just having to let practicalities take charge for a while until I get back onto the track I want. I’m finding it difficult not crafting, as I just enjoy it so much but as long as I view it as only a break then I can cope better.

My Gran always used to say ‘all good things come to those who wait’. I’m waiting a long time, so it better be ‘good’! 🙂

Diane x


Posted by on June 22, 2012 in A Crafters Journey


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